Dimensions Report

Get Ready for Space Hitched: A Sneak Peek + Exclusive Kickstarter Perks!


🚀 Cover Reveal + Bonus Content for Space Squad 51 Kickstarter! 🚀

cover reveal for Space Hitched

I’m thrilled to give you all a sneak peek at Space Hitched, the bonus story that will be part of our upcoming Kickstarter for Space Squad 51! 🎉

Space Hitched is book 2.5 in the series, falling between Space Trash and Space Weed. It’s a hilarious adventure that picks up right where Space Trash leaves off and sets the stage for the wild events in Space Weed. Expect more silly disasters, quirky characters, and, of course, a wedding gone terribly wrong! 💍✨ This exclusive story will only be available through the Kickstarter campaign, making it a must-have for fans of the series. Are you ready? Here’s the cover!

Space Hitch Cover

But that’s not all! As a special treat for backers, I’m including a TON of bonus content inside the Space Squad 51 books to enhance your reading experience. Here’s a peek at what you can expect:

  • 🌱 Catalog Pages of Flora & Fauna: Get to know the strange and funny creatures that make up the worlds of Space Squad 51.
  • 📜 Journal Pages: Dive deeper into the minds of our characters with their personal notes, observations, and musings.
  • 🖼️ Extra Scenes: More laughs and heartwarming moments that didn’t make it into the main story but are too good to leave out.
  • 🎨 Images & Drawings: Gorgeous artwork to help bring the Space Squad 51 universe to life.

bonus content for the science fiction series Squad 51

For those who prefer the regular versions of the books, don’t worry—you’ll still get some cool extras to make the reading experience more immersive! While the content won’t be as extensive as in the Kickstarter editions, there will still be fun and unique additions to enjoy.

Now, let’s dive into why Kickstarter is such an awesome platform for authors and readers alike!

Introduction to Kickstarter & Crowdfunding for Books

Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform that connects creators with amazing supporters like YOU. It’s a place where authors, artists, and creators can bring their dreams to life by offering exclusive rewards and content directly to their backers. 💡

For authors, Kickstarter is the perfect way to:

  • 💥 Launch special editions of books, like the Space Squad 51 exclusive versions, complete with unique bonuses.
  • 📚 Share exclusive content with dedicated fans (like the bonus stories, artwork, and behind-the-scenes looks that you won’t find anywhere else).
  • 🖋️ Offer signed editions and other perks that make the book even more special.

And for YOU, the reader? Kickstarter gives you a chance to directly support your favorite authors while unlocking rewards that aren’t available anywhere else:

  • 🌟 Exclusive rewards that make your collection unique.
  • Signed editions that you can treasure forever.
  • 💬 The satisfaction of being part of the creative process and supporting stories that matter to you.

I’m so excited to be able to share these special perks with you, and I can’t wait for you to be part of the Space Squad 51 journey. Stay tuned for more details coming soon! And so you don’t miss a moment of this special event, sign up for the prelaunch. You’ll be notified the moment the project goes live!




Get Ready for Space Hitched: A Sneak Peek + Exclusive Kickstarter Perks! Read More »

Galactic Watch: Squad 51 Taking Aim for the Skies!


🚀 Greetings, Starfarers! 🌟
Here’s the latest transmission from Mission Control with updates on my projects and adventures!

M. Pax upcoming releases

🚀 Project One: Completing the Space Squad 51 Series

Status: Full throttle!

  • Spaceberg: Published and already drifting through the cosmic ether! On standby for editing and reception of immersive bonuses.
  • Space Trash: First edit completed. The project is now at 67,000 words. Some bonus extras created for this one. It sits and awaits more editing while I complete the rest of the series.
  • Space Hitched: A new addition to Space Squad 51. This bonus story comes between Space Trash and Space Weed. I’m in the process of writing this now. 5,000 words in.
  • Space Weed: The finale of this trilogy is taking shape. 85% plotted and almost ready to get on deck. Writing starts soon, with a goal of 60,000 words. Get ready for this green giant to sprout on your radar!
  • Space Worms: Another new addition with a rough outline. This new story will be free for everyone on my mailing list. Don’t miss out!
  • Space Rock: This one is also added to the line up. Rough outline standing by.
  • Exciting News: I’ll be creating bonus content to make my stories more immersive from here on out. Bonus extras in progress!

Stay tuned for more! Sign up for the prelaunch of the Kickstarter Launch Party so you don’t miss out on anything! PRELAUNCH

🌟 Project Two: Third Star Rising

Status: Steady as she goes!

This short story (or novella, if it decides to grow wings) is halfway plotted, with a partial draft already making its orbit.

💭 Project Three: Mood Bubbles (Working Title)

Status: Rising on the horizon!

This story’s emotional atmosphere is 75% plotted, and I can already see its sparkling potential. At an estimated 20,000+ words, it’s set to be a novella that bursts with meaning—and bubbles, of course!

🌌 Project Four: Completing the Rifters Series

Status: Charting new dimensions!

  • The Generals (Rifters Book 5): At 30% plotted, this novel is laying the foundation for epic twists and turns. My target is 70-80,000 words, and it’s going to be worth the wait!
  • Untitled (Rifters Book 6): The final installment is 5% plotted, but hey, the adventure is just beginning. My aim? Another 70-80,000 words of world-saving, dimension-bending awesomeness.

Each of these projects is lighting up my creative cosmos, and I can’t wait to share them with you. Keep your comms open for more updates, and get ready for some interstellar stories headed your way soon. One of the short stories will be a freebie for my mailing list. If you haven’t joined the M. Pax Dimension yet, well, get over there! MPAX DIMENSION

Stay tuned for cover reveals and exciting developments as I put my heart into these projects. Until then, happy reading and dreaming!

Stay tuned and peace out,
M. Pax


Galactic Watch: Squad 51 Taking Aim for the Skies! Read More »

Galactic Status: Mission Updates on Spacetacular Projects!


Greetings, fellow adventurers! 🌌 Strap in and prepare for a thrilling flyby of my current projects. The engines are firing, the stars are aligned, and creativity propels me forward. Here’s a status check straight from Mission Control!

M. Pax upcoming releases

🚀 Project One: Completing the Space Squad 51 Series

Status: Full throttle!

  • Spaceberg: Published and already drifting through the cosmic ether!
  • Space Trash: First draft? Done at a stellar 65,000 words! Editing is 50% complete, and let me tell you, this time-traveling escapade with sharks and dinos is blasting to life.
  • Space Weed: The finale of this trilogy is taking shape. 85% plotted and almost ready to get on deck. Writing starts soon, with a goal of 60,000 words. Get ready for this green giant to sprout on your radar!

Stay tuned for cover reveals of both Space Trash and Space Weed and the prelaunch of the Kickstarter Launch Party —coming soon to a screen near you!

🌟 Project Two: Third Star Rising

Status: Steady as she goes!

This short story (or novella, if it decides to grow wings) is halfway plotted, with a partial draft already making its orbit. I’m aiming for at least 10,000 words, but who knows? This star might shine even brighter.

💭 Project Three: Mood Bubbles (Working Title)

Status: Rising on the horizon!

This story’s emotional atmosphere is 75% plotted, and I can already see its sparkling potential. At an estimated 20,000+ words, it’s set to be a novella that bursts with meaning—and bubbles, of course!

🌌 Project Four: Completing the Rifters Series

Status: Charting new dimensions!

  • The Generals (Rifters Book 5): At 30% plotted, this novel is laying the foundation for epic twists and turns. My target is 70-80,000 words, and it’s going to be worth the wait!
  • Untitled (Rifters Book 6): The final installment is 5% plotted, but hey, the adventure is just beginning. My aim? Another 70-80,000 words of world-saving, dimension-bending awesomeness.

Each of these projects is lighting up my creative cosmos, and I can’t wait to share them with you. Keep your comms open for more updates, and get ready for some interstellar stories headed your way soon. One of the short stories will be a freebie for my mailing list. If you haven’t joined the M. Pax Dimension yet, well, get over there! MPAX DIMENSION

Stay tuned for cover reveals and exciting developments as I move closer to launch. Until then, happy reading and dreaming!

Stay tuned and peace out,
M. Pax


Galactic Status: Mission Updates on Spacetacular Projects! Read More »

The Year of Cancer – Thoughts on Surviving 2023 #cancerfree #cancerpatient #gratititude

contemplations on a year of cancer

“You have cancer.”

Those three words started 2023 for me. Closely followed by, “There are 6 months of chemo in your future, and you will lose your hair.”

My thoughts and emotions tumbled, unable to find purchase for months. Overwhelmed doesn’t begin to describe what the newly diagnosed cancer patient feels. I knew I needed help, but didn’t know how to find it. Maybe they keep us partially ignorant on purpose. If I knew the complete truth of what my life was going to be like for the rest of the year, I would have been more overwhelmed.

Losing my hair was one of the least horrible side effects. Effectively, I was systematically poisoned week after week. Yes, some people deal better with chemo than others, but no one gets out of it feeling like they’re ready to mambo.

I shouldn’t have been surprised I ended up in the hospital more than once during the ordeal, but I was continuously horrified at the way cancer took over my life. Angry and affronted is what I felt a lot, and I resisted the barrage of appointments, insisting they work on my schedule, like the stubborn lady I am. I did have to give in to their schedule and give up all control. I guess that was my biggest objection—the loss of control. Not just a little control. All control.

On the plus side, tenacity saw me through the chemo, the surgeries, the side effects, an the radiation. And, in the end, I reached the magical nirvana phase of “No Evidence Detected,” which meant my cancer was dead.

That made chemo worth it. Horrible as it was, if I had to do it again, I would. Why? Because those extra years of life and health are worth the awfulness and the trial. I’m not done living yet.

After chemo, I had two surgeries. After those, I felt like a Frankenstein—mutilated and hacked up. My insomnia issues started in earnest after the second surgery. I’m pretty sure there are a lot of emotions bubbling under my skin I haven’t dealt with yet. That’s something I’ll look into addressing this year.

Radiation wasn’t a picnic either. I still have pain and the discoloration. My irradiated tissue keeps texture, color, shape and size, which makes me feel more mutilated and freakish.

Yes, the battle scars are better than the cancer killing me, but sometimes when I stop to think about it all, I dissolve into jelly. I know there’s a lot in my emotions and psyche I have not dealt with. From the initial diagnosis to now, was a constant whirlwind of tests and doctors and treatments. There wasn’t a lot of time to digest and process.

There were moments when I stood outside of the cancer center and my brain screamed at me to run away. I’d tell myself, “I really don’t want to do this.”

But I’d see the 80-year-olds fighting, and I kept myself focused on the fact that I would be okay in the end. I repeated that over and over and over, and it got me through.

It’s unclear how I got through some days. They were dark and filled with sickness and awfulness and nothing good. Every minute ticked by like a day of agony. Many people were rooting for me. That certainly helped. And, like I said earlier, I can be really stubborn. It’s not in my nature to give up, so I was going to fight and keep fighting.

Small amounts of relief were found through my acupuncturist. Dana was a godsend, and I will continue to see her in the years to come. She introduced me to alternative therapies and essential oils. She certainly made an unbearable six months a little more bearable. She always gives me sound advice and valuable pointers. Most of all, she listens.

Many of the oncology nurses also listened. A lot. Some of them are true angels on Earth. They should be paid better than CEOs.

My writer life helped keep me looking forward, too. I could forget my agony for a bit here and there by drowning my mind in plans for my stories. Books helped too. Thank you, Murderbot and Legends & Lattes.

The toughest people on Earth are those battling cancer. Each warrior adds his or her story and helps the next person. Each person leaves a legacy of their cancer story. I leave a legacy, especially my uncommon reaction to Keytruda.

Anyway, the year ends with cancer defeated and the war won. So, 2023 ends in a good place. It was the hardest fight of my life, and the one I’m most proud of. I endured, I conquered, and I was victorious. After an extremely bumpy and rough patch of road, I get to go on with my life.

So get tested and screened for any cancer they test and screen for. The earlier it’s found, the more likely you are to survive. Early detection is the best weapon in any arsenol, and so many people do survive. The survival stories aren’t heard enough, but you need to seek them out. Read them. Hear them. There are millions and millions of survivors. WE ARE HERE.



The Year of Cancer – Thoughts on Surviving 2023 #cancerfree #cancerpatient #gratititude Read More »

A Month to Celebrate Bravery and Survival. Go Pink and Fight for the Girls!

breast cancer awarenesss


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time when people worldwide come together to raise awareness about breast cancer and promote early detection and treatment. Breast cancer is a disease that affects millions of lives every year. It affected my life this year, and I met so many others in the same fight. If you feel something wonky, go to a doctor immediately. Get your mammogram! The earlier you know, the more likely you are to win the battle and go on with your life.

So many women went before me and were so brave. Their experiences made mine a little easier and made my survival more likely. I am forever grateful to them. Let’s take a moment and think of them and their sacrifices. Take a moment to think of the women currently suffering through chemo and other treatments, and of the men. Breast cancer affects men as well as women. Lend them your strength. Lend them some kindness.


The Most Common Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide, with over 2 million new cases diagnosed annually. The incidence rate varies by region, with higher rates in developed countries. Early detection and improved treatments have led to a decline in breast cancer mortality rates in recent years. Yay! Go warriors!

Facts About Breast Cancer

1 in 8 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. In 2023, an estimated 297,790 women and 2,800 men will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Chances are, you know at least one person who has been personally affected by breast cancer. If you’re reading this, you know me.

There are currently over 3.8 million breast cancer survivors in the United States.

An estimated 43,700 U.S. women will die from breast cancer in 2023. Bless their souls.

Risk of breast cancer recurrence depends on the type and staging of the initial breast cancer. Typically, the highest risk of recurrence is during the first few years after treatment and decreases over time.

On average, every 2 minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States.

Signs and Symptoms

Nipple tenderness or a lump or thickening in or near the breast or underarm area

A change in the skin texture or an enlargement of pores in the skin of the breast  (some describe this as similar to an orange peel’s texture)

A lump in the breast. Not all lumps are cancerous, but you need to get it checked out.

I had no pain or tenderness, but I did have a lump. It showed up all of a sudden. I didn’t delay medical intervention. That’s really important. I had a fast growing, evil beast trying to kill me. Don’t give it a chance to kill you.

Treatment and Hope

Treatment regimens depend on what kind of cancer you have. Most start with surgery and then have radiation treatments. If hormones are a factor, treatments to counteract the hormones will be given. Some get oral chemo or a few rounds of chemo. I had the unlucky kind, which is less common, triple-negative breast cancer. That involved chemo, surgery, and radiation in that order. I’m about to start my radiation treatments. No matter the type of breast cancer, many warriors have gone before you. The treatments work, especially if the cancer is caught early.

Yeah, it’s been a rough year and chemo was no picnic, but the outcome has been the best. I had a total response to treatment, which means I no longer have evidence of cancer, which means the cancer is dead. Because I had a life-threatening reaction to one of the drugs for one of my chemo regimens, I couldn’t complete all of my chemo rounds. Yet, I still had a positive outcome.

So Get Your Mammogram!

Early detection means everything. Aggressive cancers can show up betweem mammograms, like mine. So even if you have a great mammogram and find something funky later, see a doctor. The ealier the cancer is found, the less likely it is to have infiltrated the lymph nodes and other parts of your body. The less body parts involved, the easier surgery and radiation will be. Don’t think you can’t afford a mammogram or treatment. There are tons of programs out there to help. Reach out. You’re not alone. There are currently over 3.8 million breast cancer survivors in the United States. And we’ll all tell you the same thing, you’re going to be fine. Most cancer centers have social workers with the means to get you what you need to win the fight. Hell yes, it’s scary, and it’s daunting, but millions of us did it. So can you!

Survivors and Victors!

Breast cancer survivors are living proof that early detection, advanced treatments, and unwavering support can lead to successful outcomes. Here I am. I’m your proof. I didn’t do it alone. I had so much support, and there are all the women and men who went before us so that we can have successful outcomes. There are constant clinical trials to improve treatments and there are standardized regimens for every type of breast cancer. Even if you end up with the uncommon, more difficult kind like I did, you’re going to be okay. Just be brave and see a doctor!

Get Involved!

If you’re lucky enough to have never danced with the beast, Breast Cancer Awareness Month is still an opportunity to get involved and make a difference. You can participate in fundraising events, support organizations that provide vital services to patients and families, and promote breast cancer awareness on social media. Or support someone you know going through it.

I’ll be donating all proceeds from the sales of any of my poster packs, especially the cancer poster pack, to Sara’s Project, which promotes women’s health through education, provides outreach, funds research, and finances breast cancer support services.

Posters for Charity


Fight like a girl! Pink is powerful!

Stats taken from BreastCancer.org



A Month to Celebrate Bravery and Survival. Go Pink and Fight for the Girls! Read More »

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