Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn #Astronomy #conjunctionjupitersaturn #ChristmasStar

I’m sharing a video I took of a rare event.

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The great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn was at its pinnacle on Monday night (12/21/2020). I was able to get out my trusty telescope, Orson Bradbury, and do some stargazing.

The forecast had us cloudy, but it turned out to be a beautiful day. It was almost 60 and the sky was clear. 60 isn’t normal for these parts in December. However, the wind was roaring. You can probably hear it whistle through the telescope in the video.

This is a once in 400 years event, so I was glad to see it. The video was taken through my 11mm Nagler. That translates into high magnification for those of you not well versed in telescope-speak. To see both in that eyepiece was stunning and something that will never happen again. At least, not while I’m alive.

So, I hope you enjoy the video. It’s not the best, but you get to see something really special. Merry Christmas!





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