M. Pax

FREE Novel – Escape from Doka: A Backworlds Adventure, The Epic Beginning of Talos and Lepsi #scifi #sciencefiction #booktwitter #freebooks

Coming soon! A new novel set in the best-selling space opera series, The Backworlds, is on the way. Escape from Doka features fan favorites Lepsi and Talos. The best part is this new adventure is FREE!

new novel in the best-selling space opera series, The Backworlds


Get ready for a new adventure in the Backworlds.

This novel adds to the story of the beloved characters, Lepsi and Talos, and begins on the planet Doka before our heroes meet. Lepsi struggles with the cruelty he suffers from his father and brother. He yearns for freedom, but he can’t get past dreaming to planning. It’s a fantasy he thinks will never happen.

Talos loses his mother and his sense of purpose. He wants nothing more than to get away from the grief and poverty that haunts him. But, he gave away his shoes to a gal who got a job on Elstwhere. She couldn’t board the transport without shoes, and Talos wanted at least part of him to get off the planet. He begs for a chip to buy a new pair so that he can find work to earn fare on a passenger transport.

A chance arrives…

A massive cargo ship arrives and is in need of more crew. It’s leaflets beg for hire-ons and get noticed by both Lepsi and Talos, who eagerly make their plans to leave Doka. It’s easier to escape for Talos. Talos has no one to answer to and no one who will miss him. Lepsi’s absence would be noticed, and Lepsi’s father swears to hunt him down if he ever leaves. To get hired onto the cargo transport, Lepsi and Talos need each other.

Both intend to stay on the ship for a long time, taking advantage of what it has to offer. However, Talos gets too ambitious and gets involved in smuggling. This lands him in a heap of trouble with some pirates.

Lepsi’s father follows the ship to the next port, haunting the docks with his lordly attitude and demanding the return of his son. He garners sympathy from strangers, which makes other members of the crew nervous. They can’t chance their pasts yanking them home, so abandon the ship in droves.

Talos and Lepsi end up kicked off the crew.

Scrambling to Escape…

Left with meager resources, Lepsi and Talos have to scrounge for the means to make their way in the Backworlds. They encounter unscrupulous captains, cutthroat Backworlders, more pirates, the authorities, and prison while trying to realize their dreams. Will they make it?

This Novel is FREE

Escape from Doka: A Backworlds Adventure will be given to everyone in the M. Pax Dimension at the beginning of December, and it will only be available to members of the M. Pax Dimension. It won’t be sold in stores. Don’t miss out! If you haven’t yet joined the M. Pax Dimension, get signed up now! Oh, and the full cover will be revealed shortly.



Embark on an Epic Adventure with The Backworlds Poster Packs! #scifi #sciencefiction

Are you ready to delve into the vast and captivating universe of The Backworlds series? It’s a space opera adventure with bioengineered descendants, fierce competition, and unlikely heroes. If you’re a fan of the series, treat yourself to the Backworlds Poster Packs, which include vibrant scenes and characters from the series.

best selling science fiction series the Backworlds

In the Backworlds, Craze embarks on an incredible adventure that will shape his destiny. Banished from his home planet, he must navigate the treacherous planets at the edge of the Backworlds, evading cutthroats, pirates, and thieves. Craze’s transforms from an ordinary individual to an unlikely hero as he rises to the challenges thrown his way and discovers who he truly is.

best selling space opera series the Backworlds

Each poster set contains 10 images, which are a mix of stunning scenes and portraits.

Poster Pack 1 includes: Craze, Lepsi, Talos, Dactyl, Rainly, Pardeep Station, Pauder, Doc, Meelo, and Wonder Ricklits.

Poster Pack 2 includes: Captain Kaesare, Pardeep in its heyday, Sanjy Strom, a battle scene, the Seuk lab, Xior, another battle scene, Dauffer, Captain Kaesare’s freighter, and Lepsi’s return to Pardeep Station after the war.

Make the Backworlds come alive with original artwork!





My Cancer is Dead! #cancer #cancersurvivor #MPaxDimension

The best news ever! My cancer is dead!

cancer news

I had my surgery last Thursday and am recovering quite well. I’m still sore, but otherwise okay. The surgeon called this morning to say that the pathology shows no residual cancer. That means chemo did its job and killed it. Yaaaay!! Thank the universe I didn’t go through the torment of chemo for nothing!

I know, there are lots of exclamation points in this post. When else am I to use them? Certainly finding out my cancer is dead is a reason to use thousands of them!!!

I still have radiation and have to get the port removed, but it’s a relief to know there’s no longer cancer inside me trying to kill me. My long, dark, and overwhelming tunnel has a light at the end of it. Woo hoo!!!!





Get Ready to Launch: The Backworlds at 99 Cents! #scifi #sciencefiction

Dive into this gripping space adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. And it’s only 99 cents!

best selling space opera series

A Space Opera Adventure Awaits

The Backworlds is a space opera adventure that promises an unforgettable ride. With captivating world-building and fast-paced storytelling, this novel will leave you wanting more. Genetic curiosities, innovative technology, and complex histories blend seamlessly, creating a fun and thrilling experience that will keep your imagination buzzing.

The Aftermath of War

Following a devastating war with the Foreworlds, the Backworlds find themselves scattered across their remaining planets where resources are scarce, competition becomes fierce, and survival is paramount. The backdrop of post-war turmoil adds depth to the story, setting the stage for a gripping narrative of the characters’ struggles.

A Father’s Betrayal and an Unlikely Hero’s Journey

Craze’s life takes a dramatic turn when his father decides to evict him off the planet in pursuit of greater fortunes. Cut off from everything he knows and armed with little money and no knowledge of the worlds beyond, Craze must summon every ounce of determination and courage to survive. His journey toward redemption and a new life is filled with obstacles and surprises.

Rave Reviews from Readers

The Backworlds has received acclaim from both critics and readers alike. Jason Weisberger, publisher of Boing Boing, praises the novel’s fast-paced storytelling reminiscent of classic sci-fi tales. ASMSG Scifi/Fantasy/Paranormal Emagazine applauds the author’s imaginative world-building and captivating characters. And on Amazon, a reader shares their delight at discovering an original and creative story that stands out in the sci-fi genre.

A Steal at 99 Cents

You can get your hands on The Backworlds for the unbeatable price of 99 cents! Whether you’re a seasoned sci-fi reader or just curious to explore the world of space opera, this gripping novel promises an extraordinary reading experience.

Get your copy today, and let the journey begin! Happy reading!

Available in ebook at all etailers

Shopping direct from me really helps me make a living as an author, so thank you.

Backworlds              BUY DIRECT



Determination, Survival, and Resilience

Since January of this year, I’ve found out what I’m made of, and I’m tougher than I thought. The toughest people on Earth are those who battle cancer because chemo is not for the faint of heart nor for anyone without a fighting spirit.

cancer survivor

A Message of Early Detection

My battle against cancer started with early detection, and I cannot stress enough how vital it is to be proactive about your health. If you notice anything unusual or alarming on your body, seek medical attention promptly. Early detection can make a significant difference in the success of treatment. Huge strides have been made in the treatment of many cancers, and it’s not the death sentence it once was. Not if you suck down some courage and go to the doctor. Is it easy to find out you have cancer? No. But not knowing will kill you. Knowing can save your life.

A Tough Road

My cancer diagnosis shook my world. Until the end of June, I endured grueling and brutal chemotherapy. The side effects were relentless, leaving me feeling sick and drained most of the time. There were days when all I could do was exist, and each day felt like a never-ending struggle. I ended up in the hospital twice with life-threatening side effects, and I really don’t like the hospital. For one, it’s really boring. For two, they don’t let you sleep. For three, it’s really boring. Despite the hardships, I kept in mind that I would be okay in the end. I have always been tenacious and stubborn and those traits served me well over the last seven months.

Seeking Comfort and Healing

Amidst the challenges of chemotherapy, I discovered Reiki treatment, a comforting and soothing practice that provided much-needed solace. Chemo sometimes had me feeling so awful I didn’t know what to do. I was willing to try anything for a modicum of comfort. Anything. So, I tried acupuncture too. Acupuncture became an essential part of my healing journey, helping me sleep better, alleviating discomfort, nausea, and curing hives. If you never tried it, you should. Besides being great for healing, I also find it very relaxing. Many health insurances will cover acupuncture. Check with your healthcare provider.

Embracing Progress and Hope

Thankfully, chemotherapy is behind me, and I’m gradually regaining my strength and energy. The next chapter in my fight against cancer is surgery, which is just a few days away. I am hopeful for clear margins and positive pathology results, which will allow me to avoid oral chemo.  NO MORE CHEMO! Then next in the fight is radiation, another step toward complete healing.

Gratitude for Supportive Fans

Throughout this health struggle, I have been overwhelmed by the love, generosity, and patience of my fans. Their unwavering support and kindness have been a source of strength and inspiration. As a token of my appreciation, I’m working on a special novella featuring the beloved characters, Talos and Lepsi. This novella will be exclusively available through my newsletter, as a heartfelt thank you to all who have stood by me during this challenging time. So if you want to read the story and haven’t joined the M. Pax Dimension yet, get to it! JOIN

The battle against cancer has been daunting, but I remain optimistic and determined. I still have quite a road ahead of me, but I know I’ll be okay in the end. My perspective has been forever changed, and maybe that’s what the Universe decided I needed to know. I don’t believe anything is random. When I decided to look for a new job, I ran into someone I used to work with who told me about my current employer. I got the job and great health insurance. A year later, when I was eligible for protected leave, I found out I had cancer. It wasn’t random I ran into Alex that day. Fate knew I needed better health insurance and a better job. So where will this lead? It’s too early to tell. But I certainly gained wisdom and appreciation for days when I don’t feel sick.

So if you’re in a tough place, have faith that things will work out and that the bumpy road will lead somewhere better. Wishing you good health! Peace out!



Daelin Long: A Journey from Adversity to Heroism in the Rifters Series #fantasybooks #steampunk

Daelin Long, a resilient and courageous character who undergoes a transformation from a lost soul to a fearless defender of our world.

Daelin Long from the popular steampunk fantasy series


From New York City to Settler: A Fresh Start Amidst Mystery

Daelin’s life takes an unforeseen twist when she is fired from her assistant editor’s job in bustling New York City and falls victim to a robbery. Seeking solace and a fresh start, she relocates to the quiet town of Settler, Oregon, with the help of her sister, Charming. However, her arrival in Settler is marred by the mysterious absence of her sister, setting the stage for an extraordinary and suspenseful journey.

Adjusting to Small-Town Life: A World of Secrets Unveiled

The transition from the hubbub of city life to the tranquility of Settler poses its own challenges for Daelin. As she navigates the small town’s close-knit community, she discovers that it holds secrets far beyond what meets the eye. Daelin’s quest to uncover the truth about her sister’s disappearance leads her down a rabbit hole of strange occurrences, revealing a hidden world where monsters are real.

From Fear to Heroism: Embracing the Rifters’ Call

As the truth of the supernatural unfolds, Daelin finds herself drafted into the Rifters—a group of courageous individuals dedicated to defending humanity from the menacing creatures that lurk in the shadows. Despite her initial fear and uncertainty, Daelin’s unwavering determination to save her sister propels her to often take on a leadership role among the Rifters. Through her resourcefulness, bravery, and intelligence, she becomes a force to be reckoned with.

Unlikely Allies and Unexpected Bonds: Friendship with a Ghost

While battling monsters, Daelin discovers an unlikely ally in the form of a ghost—her best friend in Settler. This spectral companion becomes a steadfast source of support, offering guidance, friendship, and a unique perspective on the supernatural forces that surround them. Together, they forge an important bond, serving as a testament to the strength of connection even in the most extraordinary circumstances.

Follow Daelin’s awe-inspiring journey as she battles her fears, uncovers hidden truths, and forges unbreakable bonds. Witness the transformation of an ordinary woman into an extraordinary hero. Start this discovery with the first book in The Rifters series, which is free everywhere! Get your copy today!

Rifters              BUY DIRECT

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