#SciFi #MovieReview: Infinite #sciencefiction

science fiction movie reviewWhen a movie has Mark Wahlberg front and center, you go in expecting a certain level of action-packed fun. And Infinite delivers on that front… but not much else. Unfortunately, the story was so thin it barely existed. Any time the plot started to get remotely intriguing, it was interrupted by explosions, vehicle chases, or flashy fight sequences.

There’s no denying that some of the action was impressive. If you enjoy watching cars fly through the air and nifty sword maneuvers, there’s plenty of eye candy here. But action alone can’t carry a movie, and Infinite tries to coast on adrenaline without giving the audience anything to latch onto. Even my Husband Unit—who usually loves action flicks—said this one was a dud.

The concept of the Infinite, people who can remember their past lives and accumulate knowledge and skills over centuries, should have made for a fascinating story. But instead of exploring that cool idea, the movie shoves it to the side in favor of what feels like “action porn”—endless stunts and set pieces with little substance tying them together.

movie reviewBecause I almost fell asleep, it gets a 3.5 beer rating. One scene involving a plane and a sword saved this movie from a 4 beer rating.  The movie is worth watching for that alone. It’s near the end of you just want to fast forward to that part. Infinite ended with the potential for sequel. Please don’t!

In the end, Infinite is the kind of movie you’ll watch for the explosions and stunts, not the story. If you’re looking for mindless entertainment with a lot of running, driving, and sword-swinging, this might be up your alley. But if you’re hoping for an interesting or thought-provoking sci-fi adventure, this one might leave you feeling empty.

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