#SciFi Worth Watching: Dune Part 2 #MovieReview #DunePart2 #Dune2 #science fiction



science fiction movie review Dune Part 2
Dune Part 2 was sooo good. It was also very looong. (Be prepared to have to take a  restroom break).
I think this was one of the best sci-fi movies ever made. Part one was really good, but this one was even better. The acting was seamless, like you didn’t notice acting. They were the people of Dune. The cinematography was flawless and grand and sweeping, adding to the emotions of the scene.
Husband and I were never bored. Not once during this 3 hour masterpiece. And, I don’t say that lightly. Dune is one of my favorite series, and I’ve not been overly fond of earlier attempts at making it. But this one, this one, I feel as if I’m watching the pages of the novel unfold. Spectacular!
They need to hurry up and make part 3!!!
I won’t say anything else, because I don’t want to spoil the experience for you. If you have yet to see Part 1, it’s currently streaming on Hulu.
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