Celebrate the Grand Finale of the Backworlds with a Special Sale! #sciencefiction #scifi


As I gear up for the release of The Afterworlds, the epic conclusion to the Backworlds series, I’m offering huge discounts on the Backworlds box sets for a limited time!

best selling science fiction series sale

🪐 Backworlds Box Collection: Books 1, 2, 3 — Just 99¢ (Save $4!)

BOOKS 1, 2, & 3

🌌 Backworlds Box Collection: Books 4, 5, 6 — Only $4.99 (Save $4!)

BOOKS 4, 5, & 6

Don’t miss this chance to catch up on the adventure before The Afterworlds launches! These special prices are available only for December.

Start the journey, meet unforgettable characters, and brace yourself for an epic finale.

Grab the Box Sets Now!

Happy reading, and prepare for the final frontier!




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