Look! A new website!
Why’d I do that? So that I can offer you print and audiobooks in the Not of this Earth Bookshop.
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So, yeah, I’ve been really busy making this new site. What else am I up to? I naively bought a laser for my cats, and now that’s all they want to do… play laser. Two squirrels have been ravaging my garden, so it’s been combat in the backyard. I think maybe straight-on cayenne pepper sprinkled liberally on everything made a difference. For now. I won’t hold my breath.
The audibooks of The Rifters and The Initiate are now done. I’m working on The Reader. The paperback and large print editions of The Backworlds are done. I’m working on the hardcover and Stopover.
Edits for The Afterworlds are going into the computer. There’s a lot of writing/rewriting to be done, so the edits won’t be quick. With the website done, my focus will go here.
Hope you’re doing well. Peace out!